ILa McNair Ming Matthews

ILa McNair Ming Matthews

1897 - 1983


ILa McNair Ming Matthews departed this life on May 23, 1983, in Baltimore, Md., following a brief illness at the home of her eldest daughter Mrs. Lenora Cobb.

The deceased was born October 6, 1897 to the late Archibald and Nora McNair in Coffee Springs, Alabama. In 1912, she was united in marriage to Alonzo Ming who expired in 1933. To this union were born four daughters, Mrs. Lenora Delores Cobb of Baltimore, Md; Mrs. Violetta Margrueta Lee, of Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Edna Velma Early (deceased); and Mrs. Nellvina Ming LaBeach of Washington, D.C.

After the death of her first husband, she married Britt Matthews, Sr. in 1938 who died in April 1955. Through that union she raised two step-sons, Britt Matthews, Jr. and Alfonzo Matthews. At an early age, ILa was converted and joined the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Coffee Springs, Alabama. Her fond memories of this church remained with her until her death.

ILa Matthews gave of herself unselfishly to others and purposefully to the Glory of God. She gave guidance, counsel and help to many in her community. She will always be remembered for the helping hand she extended to the poor and less fortunate.

ILa was an active member of the Ladies Aid in Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, and the Masonic order of Eastern Stars. She also was active with Senior Citizens programs in Coffee Springs.

She is the last surviving child of the late Archibald McNair family. Ila had five sisters: Mary, Isabel, Alice, Velma and Michel; seven brothers: Oscar, Doc, Horace, Dow, Charles, Richard and Lester.

Her passing is mourned by three daughters, eight grandchildren, seventeen great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grand children, one sister-in-law, Mrs. Viola McNair and a host of nieces and nephews.