Camden - South Carolina

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  • A Brief History of the Belton Family | My connection to this family has yet to be determined - Roy
  • Slavery
    • Africans were imported in significant numbers from about the 1690s, and by 1715 the black population made up about sixty percent of the colony’s total population. This marked another distinctive feature of South Carolina, for it was the only colony in English North America where this proportion existed.
    An Insurrection Plotted by Slaves in Camden, South Carolina
    • Prior to emancipation, many Negroes in America attempted to server the bonds of slavery by both overt and covert means.  Some overt actions are well known: for example, the bloody rebellion of Nat Turner and the earlier attempted revolts of Gabriel Prosser in Virginia and Denmark Vesey in South Carolina.  In the latter conspiracy, discovered in Charleston in 1822, procedures for trail and punishment were based upon a precedent set six years earlier in the quelling of a less well-known insurrection plot in Camden, South Carolina.
  • Kershaw County, South Carolina History and Genealogy
    • Historic Camden by Thomas J Kirkland & Robert MacMillan Kennedy, 1905
    • 1914-1915 Camden City Directory, Kershaw County , South Carolina - Piedmont Publishing Company 1914
      • The Camden City Directory A-P | Directory R-Z | Business A-Z
        • Notables
          • Dibble Eugene H (Sallie R), gro 1053 6th av, h 652 10th
          • Collins Amon (Annie), driver, h 715 11th
          • Collins Evan (Lizzie), livery and transfer, 714 11th h same
          • McLain Geo W (G W McLain & Sons), h 1413 4th ave
  • List of slave children purchased by James Chesnut of Camden
    • The list of African American children purchased as slaves by James Chesnut, politician and plantation owner from Camden, South Carolina, documents the commercial value of children born into slavery in the antebellum South. Family separations were routine, as members of slave families could be bought and sold from one area of the country to another at any time, including children. The significance of African American slave children in the southern economic system is illustrated by their numbers; between 1820 and 1860 more than two-fifths of those enslaved were younger than fifteen, and one-third were less than ten years old. {ref:  Teaching American History in South Carolina Project}